Single Source of Truth
Raspberry Pi computer is a very good platform for testing the performance of the web version of Planet.
Will there be a Pi 500 computer?
- Search and pick
- 提交 IPNS / ENS / SOL / FURL 地址加入
- Hub 定期抓取
- Hub 之间互相 gossip 告知其他 Planet 网站的存在
Tipping via WalletConnect and Base:
- USDC on Base
- HIGHER on Base
- ? on Base
LogSnag is probably too heavy for tracking. What else should I use to track the new names in and
- detects if /ipfs/:cid/avatar.png exists
- Website.subname NULLABLE
What else do I need to add to the Website
- vitalik.eth
- planetable.eth
- ppddff.eth
- yihanphotos.eth
- gamedb.eth is a dweb gateway for Farcaster usernames.
If you set ipns://
or ipfs://
addresses in your Farcaster profile's Bio or URL field, the IPFS website can be accessed via
Here are a few examples:
- @
(IPNS in Bio) ->
- @
(IPFS CID in URL) ->
- @
(IPFS CID in URL) ->
How To
field exists in the Farcaster protocol, but currently, no clients allow users to edit it yet.
So, right now, the easiest way is to put an IPNS
string into the Bio. supports these formats:
- 62-byte IPNS
- 46-byte CIDv0
- 59-byte CIDv1
If you are a developer and know how to update your Farcaster UserData, you can achieve this with code as well.
What is IPFS?
IPFS is an open-source software for publishing and retrieving files over P2P networks.
Here are a few IPFS-powered solutions for publishing an IPFS website:
Where are the avatars?
试试稍微拉长一下自动 publish 的间隔,或者优化一下背后的智能逻辑。
- Cache rules
- Edit Planet: domain: ohlife.sol
- Follow .sol in Planet
- JS: auto change Sepia title: planetable.eth -> planetable.sol
- JS: auto change Grid title: yihanphotos.eth -> yihanphotos.sol
- Window 恢复问题(可能需要将 build 环境转换到 Sequoia)
- 预热 NFT 元信息(如果检测到存在)
- 删除文章按钮的确认框在某些情况不出来(似乎是 Sequoia 相关)
Windows 恢复问题可能和 build 的机器的 macOS 版本有关?
- Fixed in 0.19.2
Sparkle 模版里需要背景色,及 Dark Mode 支持。
What if we auto set isPublishing to false after 10 seconds?
Do we really need those txt files in Croptop for CID?